Miss Delaney’s accepts registrations from birth. Registration forms can be downloaded from the link below.
Tours are arranged approximately 18 months before the child’s proposed start date and offers are made shortly after this point. Families who do not attain a place at this stage are contacted at the second offer point pending places becoming available.
Children join our Duckling group in the September after their 2nd birthday. Miss Delaney’s may consider ‘early entry’ (the term after the child’s second birthday), this decision is made on a child-by-child basis. Children only proceed to the Duck group/groups in the year they will have their fourth birthday.
Miss Delaney’s policy is to give priority to sibling children, provided the parent has registered the new baby within three months of birth. Sadly, as a small school, failure to do so may result in the school not being able to offer the sibling child a place.