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Charity Cake Sale

On Thursday we had a cake sale to raise money for 'Breathe AHR'. Breathe Arts Health Research are world leaders in combining creativity and robust scientific research to improve health and wellbeing. The children baked delicious cakes, biscuits and muffins and then purchased them to take home. Thank you to the parents and nannies for so many home baked goodies this year.

Each term we allow up to 2 children to host their birthday party at school and one of the children had a petting animal experience for his birthday on Friday. 

Animal Petting Birthday Party

The Ducks had a fantastic time: a rainbow chameleon, a bearded dragon, a rabbit, an albino hedgehog, a tree frog, and a chicken were just a few of the visitors the children were able to hold. 

The chicken even laid an egg on its way to school! There was  a duck that gave the best cuddles ever! and Miss Sarah also got cuddles from a snake. What a wonderful way to spend a Friday morning.

Christmas 2024

The staff and children had so much fun and laughter in the last week of term. From Christmas parties, Christmas jumper day fundraising and a visit ftom Santa. We wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a look forward to and exciting New Year.


The children had a fun-filled early Halloween celebration on the last day of this half term. We dressed up (the children and staff), played games, scooped out pumpkins and 

finished our Halloween crafts; they had scary oranges, spooky ghost cheese and bat biscuits for snack. 

St George's Day

The children celebrated St George's Day on 23rd April. The children dressed up as dragons, kings and queens, knights and soldiers or in red and white in celebration of England's national day. The Ducklings made shields and pretended to slay the dragon; this was, we think, the highlight of the week! For snack, we had scones with jam and cream. 

Easter Egg Hunt

The end of the Spring Term is always filled with fun. The children have made lots of Easter crafts and, on the last day of term, the Easter bunny surprised us and we had an Easter egg hunt in the garden. We wish our families a wonderful break and look forward to seeing the children refreshed for the Summer Term.

Red Nose Day

We took part in Comic Relief this year and had a pyjama day; staff and children came in their pyjamas and had lots of fun. The children took part in red activities from red nose and spoon races, making red balloon nose faces with crazy hair and having a red snack platter with strawberries, raspberries, water melon and peppers.

Visit from Fire Brigade

We finally had our visit from the London Fire Brigade. We just helped the first 4 children into the fire engine and the fire fighters got an emergency call so it was a quick evacuation and some waiting until they returned. All the children had a chance to sit up front and 'drive' and they also had a go at using the hose in the park. A fantastically fun morning for all!

World Book Day

Last week was World Book Day and the children were inspired by their favourite book characters. The children arrived at school in their costumes and favourite book in hand. There were quite a few super-heroes but we also had Paddington Bear, Wendy from Peter Pan, Fern from Charlotte's Web and Elmer the Elephant to name a few. 

The staff didn't miss out on the opportunity and had lots of fun as Cat in the Hat, Banana's in Pyjamas, Snow White, The Butterfly from the Hungry Caterpillar and Cruella from 101 Dalmatians. We would like to say a huge thank you to all the families who came to read a story to the children this week.

Posting Christmas Cards

Just before the end of term, all the children made Christmas cards for their mums, dads and other important family members. They walked to our local postbox and were very excited to post their cards. Now they just have to wait for them to be delivered!


Our Ducklings performed their Nativity during the last week of term; some of our brave 2 year olds even had solo singing parts and rose to the challenge, there was not a dry eye! We were so proud of them all.

Christmas Jumper Day

The last day of term was Christmas Jumper Day to raise money for Save the Children. The staff and children all wore their Christmas jumpers and so far, we have raised £415. Thank you to all parents who donated to this fabulous charity.

Reading with VIP Guests 

We were extremely lucky to have the wonderful Imelda Staunton accompanied by her husband Jim Carter come and read to the ducklings today. Imelda is the voice of Stickman and also The Gruffalo on the audio story. It was such an amazing experience for the children. Many of the children recognised her voice and were amazing little ambassadors for Miss Delaney's. 

Parent & Child Breakfast

We had our first parent and child breakfast of the year in September, an opportunity for the children to enjoy breakfast at nursery and the parents to have a coffee or tea. It is a chance to meet with the other new parents. It was an amazing turn out and so lovely to see so many families.

Coronation Party

We celebrated the coronation of King Charles. The children dress up, had a photo booth and enjoyed a royal party. Some of our neighbours had decorated their homes with flags and we went to say hello.

Fire Service Visit

The fire service visited the children at school, it was so exciting. Some of the children climbed aboard the fire engine whilst some squirted the fire hose in Avondale Park. They had an emergency call before everyone got a turn but the children enjoyed the sirens and blue lights as they left us to save the day.

Bubbleman Entertainer

It was one of the children’s birthday and the ducklings were treated to a bubble show. They had so much fun taking part. From bubble snow, hundreds of tiny bubbles to bubbles filled with smoke before having the chance to be inside a giant bubble. 

First Aid Training

The start of the new academic is always busy. The staff completed their paediatric first aid course for the first 2 days of term before the children joined us on Wednesday. The training offers staff the opportunity to refresh their knowledge and practise their skills to help your children should they get ill or have an injury. It's also a chance for some staff bonding for the new staff joining us this year.